Doñana, las aguas superficiales y las subterráneas.

En el ecosistema de Doñana, las aguas superficiales y subterráneas juegan roles fundamentales en la preservación de su biodiversidad única. Las aguas superficiales, provenientes principalmente de las precipitaciones, alimentan los humedales y marismas que son hábitats vitales para aves migratorias y una gran diversidad de especies acuáticas. Estos cuerpos de agua también son cruciales para mantener el equilibrio hídrico de la región, regulando el clima local y proporcionando agua dulce para la flora y fauna.


Flamenco común.

Flamenco común.


Por otro lado, las aguas subterráneas en Doñana desempeñan un papel igualmente importante. Estos acuíferos son esenciales para el suministro de agua del entorno. Además, actúan como filtros naturales, purificando el agua y manteniendo su calidad. Sin embargo, la sobreexplotación y la contaminación de estas aguas subterráneas representan una amenaza para la sostenibilidad de este frágil ecosistema, destacando la necesidad de una gestión responsable.





Esquema resumen


Finalmente, el movimiento de las aguas en Doñana funciona del siguiente modo:

El agua es aportada mayoritariamente por precipitaciones; estas toman 3 caminos posibles:

  1. Con salida hacia el Tinto donde puede emanar en pequeñas zonas donde forma lagunas temporales o preservarse en los “corrales” dunares.
  2. Permanecer en la Vera, una zona donde el subsuelo se encuentra ligeramente más elevado y zona de contacto entre dos ecosistemas, dando lugar a un ecotono y saliendo por una pequeña rama hacia el Guadalquivir.
  3. Hacia la marisma donde queda semiconfinada y fluir los excesos de cauce hacia la zona del Guadalquivir.

En la zona de marismas podemos encontrar limos y arcillas donde fluye agua dulce; y zonas con gravas y arenas, donde se acumula agua salada. Esto produce el resultado que tenemos hoy: la marisma con su agua salobre.


Os animamos a que disfrutéis de nuestras actividades durante la época veraniega y así aprender más sobre nuestro entorno.



Estos son algunos de los valores y conocimientos que transmitimos en DoñanaTour.



¡Gracias y hasta nuestro próximo tour con DoñanaTour!

The diversity of Donana’s ecosystems

The diversity of Donana’s ecosystems


Between sand and the smell of salt there’s a very particular place; This place is called Donana. A unique place from different aspects, today we are going to talk about:

The diversity of Donana’s ecosystems.

The diversity of Donana’s ecosystems has always been changing; Donana has been different a long the time and the Donana that we know today has only been with us for approximately 6000 years. In geological time it does not even reach the blink of an eye, but in those 6000 years the ecosystems have been formed as we know them today.

The first ecosystem of Donana is the best known and currently used by people, if you think of the beach

Correlimos tridáctilo "Calidris alba"

Sanderling Calidris alba on Donana’s beach.


It is an ecosystem in continuous change due to the action of wind and waves; sometimes with progradation (advance) and other times with retrogradation (retreat) of the coastline.

But… How is this possible?

The wind and waves move the grains of sand (littoral drift movement) molding the coastline with each storm.

Later, at the upper limit of the high tide, remains of bivalves (shells) and remains of fish can be found. The latter can be eaten by gulls (yellowlegs, black-backed gulls, etc.), also, sandpipers are usually found at this limit eating the small invertebrates. The next thing we can find are the embryonic dunes, those are in the upper limit of our ecosystem and in them we find the bravest vegetation, as it fights against the wind that hits the coast and the saline spray that is in the environment. It’s not a super power but you have to be able to. And how she does it? Using adaptations like deep roots, in the case of the marram grass Ammophila arenaria, and other types of adaptations such as coastal bugloss Equium gaditanum, sea holly Eryngium maritimum, sea daffodil Pancratium maritimum and others.

Row of dunes N.P. Doñana


The next ecosystem that shows us the diversity of Doñana’s ecosystems, due to proximity, are the dunes; with a close alliance between wind and sand, this ecosystem is formed over thousands of years. It is a dune system (row of dunes) that is carried by the action of the wind towards the interior of the park. The first, mobile dunes, are only retained and formed by the plant like spiny thrift Armeria pungens, helichrysum Helichrysum picardii and other species, some already mentioned above, that mold the landscape. Once we have passed this line, we reach the next dune range where species such as cade juniper Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. macrocarpa or Stone pine Pinus pinea are present. The latter forms part of the interior landscape and the dune corrals, leaving behind the passage of the dune the so-called Doñana crosses or field of crosses.

Corral dunar

Corral dune N.P. Donana


This ecosystem gives way to the next: the marshes. But first, as a result of the union of marshes and dunes, the vera is born. La vera is not considered an ecosystem of Doñana, it is even more ephemeral. It is an ecotone, the ecotone is born by the emergence of groundwater, given the limit between clays and sands of the soil layer. This area has incredible biodiversity and is of vital importance for the local wildlife, as it sometimes acts as a watering hole when water is scarce for herbivores and as a camping area for carnivores.


Tsunami incidence direction

Tsunami incidence direction

And now, the marsh. The image of the diversity of Doñana’s ecosystems, young, born from tsunamis and made from large floods that were silted up, depositing sediments and closing the ancient lacus ligustinus, an ancient Roman lake. Little by little, the Doñana that we know today will appear, one of the reasons for the greatness and diversity of Doñana’s ecosystems: The birds. Herons, egrets, eagles, bitterns, flamingos, stilts and almost 100 species only in the Doñana marshes; makes this site ideal for birdwatching.

Finally, The “coto” or the forest. Historical area of use, religious worship and tradition. It is also the area where the king of Doñana is found, the Iberian lynx, this being that has been brought to the brink of extinction and rescued after a long process that continues to this day. One of his “noble titles” is being an “umbrella species”; This means saving countless species since a large amount of land is necessary for their conservation and, therefore, all the diversity of the Doñana’s ecosystems found there will also be protected. Trees, lizards, insects and birds could be said to be protected thanks to the Iberian lynx. ​

Iberian lynx Lynx pardinus


Those are some of the values and knowledge that we transmit at DoñanaTour.


Thank you and until our next tour with DoñanaTour!


Information sources:

From Doñanatour, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2020.

It begins a new decade, which will be crucial for Humans’ Future sustainability.

It’s in everyone’s hands.



Presentation Blog Doñanatour about the Doñana Natural Area

Presentation Blog Doñanatour


 HELLO!! We would like to translate this welcoming or greetings to all the existed languages from our Planet. This is our MOTHER EARTH ,  common home for mankind and all human beings living here.

This presentation try to be a declaration of intentions. We are encouraged by the desire of sharing and involving  others who  wants to express sensations, emotions, feelings, ideas or thoughts. Every reflections about the relation between human beings and their global environment and particularly DOÑANA.

Because this page, and embryo of Forum, is born in the heart of the Natural Space of Doñana, unique, diverse, special and privileged place, from which we want to share experiences that have helped us to feel, know, understand and protect this natural place and also to protect  Nature in general in all its diverse manifestations.

We invite you, therefore, that from the divulgation of news of interest, we are able to establish and link, from tolerance and respect, experiences and opinions that help us grow and mature as sensitive and intelligent beings. People capable of making Our Common Home, The Earth, a place of coexistence, peace, freedom and well-being, sustainable in the present and in a future time.