On August 9, 2018 the ANDALUSIAN BOARD. (CMAOT) Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio. Huelva Delegation, (Operational Programme A1-P.O. ANDALUSIAN FEDER 2014-2020 Specific Objective 6.4.1 Measure A1641085M2 Investment Project 2016000150) awarded DOÑANATOUR SL the execution of the project.
The fire at Las Peñuelas in June 2017, which shocked both the local and general population, mostly affected a large area of the Doñana Natural Area. From the CMAOT the necessary actions are being carried out to palliate the terrible effects produced by the same in the vegetal, associated faunistic and geological formations. To this end, an Emergency Plan and a Restoration Plan for the area affected by the fire have been drawn up.
Parallel to the actions of the restoration, the following measures are considered necessary in terms of dissemination and communication:
– Disseminate the contents and implementation of the Plan for the Restoration of the Burnt Area, as well as information among the sectors involved and in all the forums considered to be of interest in order to promote and disseminate its development.
– Elaboration and application of a communication strategy for the general population, especially aimed at local populations.
– Actions of education for conservation, awareness and social awareness on the need to restore the affected areas and on the prevention of forest fires.
– To convey to the local populations the pride of having the Doñana Natural Area as a sign of identity of the territory.
Schedule of Departures: The 22 departures started on 23/10/18 and ended on 5/11/2018.
Actions: The performances were:
– To know the burned area.
– Acting in the affected area with a plantation.
– Facilitate the monitoring of the action carried out.
Plantation areas: The plantation areas chosen were: Las Peñuelas and El Arroyo del Loro.
Materials Resources: The material resources used were as follows:
– Field notebooks (designed for the project) and pencil.
– Educational guides: Flora, Fauna, Traces, Birds.
– Utensils for planting: (Hoe, Almocafres, Drums, Shovels, Spurs…etc.)
– Plants and trees: Quercus suber (260); Phillyrea angustifolia (40): Quercus coccifera (196); Pistacia lentiscus (148); Pinus Pines (230); Olea europaea (327).
– First aid kit.
– Forms for final surveys.
– Elements to remember: Bookmark and fabric bracelet.

Distribution of departures by municipality.

Centers by Municipality and number of groups of each of them who participated in the project.

Number of participants by municipality and total.

Distribution of participants by Municipality and center.

Distribution of participants by sex.

ALUMNATE Distribution by age.

As a complement to the programmed activities and within the process of environmental education of the participants, tasks of cleaning of residues located in the zones selected for the development of the project were carried out.

Dated 14/12/2018 .. THE ANDALUSIAN BOARD (Territorial Delegation of Huelva for the Environment and Territorial Planning) issued a favourable report on the execution of the project.