Presentation Blog Doñanatour
HELLO!! We would like to translate this welcoming or greetings to all the existed languages from our Planet. This is our MOTHER EARTH , common home for mankind and all human beings living here.
This presentation try to be a declaration of intentions. We are encouraged by the desire of sharing and involving others who wants to express sensations, emotions, feelings, ideas or thoughts. Every reflections about the relation between human beings and their global environment and particularly DOÑANA.
Because this page, and embryo of Forum, is born in the heart of the Natural Space of Doñana, unique, diverse, special and privileged place, from which we want to share experiences that have helped us to feel, know, understand and protect this natural place and also to protect Nature in general in all its diverse manifestations.
We invite you, therefore, that from the divulgation of news of interest, we are able to establish and link, from tolerance and respect, experiences and opinions that help us grow and mature as sensitive and intelligent beings. People capable of making Our Common Home, The Earth, a place of coexistence, peace, freedom and well-being, sustainable in the present and in a future time.
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