At Doñanatour we offer the possibility of organizing courses aimed at facilitating basic techniques and knowledge, helping people to know, understand and use the different tools that currently exist for seeking employment, as well as basic training to be able to carry out the work of environmental technicians.
For seeking employment.
For access to environmental technician positions.
Aimed at:
GROUPS of more
than 10 people.
Description of the service:
The Sustainable Development Plan for the Doñana region contemplates the preservation of its natural and cultural values as a strategy to facilitate the socio-economic progress of the towns that go to form it. Young people who are unemployed or looking for new professional activities have a special role, as they will achieve suitable job training and education through these action plans, and have better employability prospects in the Doñana region. Holding training courses for young unemployed people, who at least have a high school leaving certificate or an advanced vocational training qualification, with the aim of training them professionally for Environmental Education and Heritage Interpretation activities in the Doñana region. At the end of the courses, the attendees will be able to plan and carry out projects and activities related to information, raising awareness and consciousness within the scope of Environmental Education and Heritage Interpretation, and aimed at the preservation of natural and cultural values both inside and outside Doñana, especially in the area of non-regulated education and ecological tourism.
Other complementary courses:
• How to produce a CV and post it online.
• How to do interviews.
• How to quickly submit a project (elevator pitch).
• How to present a project in detail

Human Resources
The professional profile of the teaching staff will include intermediate or higher education qualifications, with at least three years of experience in Environmental Education and Environmental Interpretation Programmes in the Doñana Natural Reserve.

Flora and Fauna identification guides. Bibliography. Audiovisual and sound equipment.