At Doñanatour we prepare customized routes (optionally with guides) to enjoy hiking activities in an unparalleled natural environment. You can practice your favourite sport, getting to know the area through its heritage and traditional ethnographic and cultural elements.
Suitable for most people.
That can be covered all the year round.
With high landscape, cultural, ethnographic and environmental interest.
Without any unevenness in any sections and away from traffic.
Aimed at:
GROUPS of more
than 10 people.
Description of the service:
Encouraging and facilitating the quiet and peaceful enjoyment of walks on foot through the different landscapes of Doñana in order to contemplate, enjoy, discover and appreciate the natural and cultural values of such an exceptional Natural location.
• Charco (pond) del Acebrón.
• Charco de la Boca.
• Cuesta Maneli.
• Lagunas (lagoons) del Acebuche.
• Laguna de Ribetehilo.
• Laguna del Jaral.
• Lagunas del Huerto y Las Pajas.
• Sendero Dunar (Dune Trail).
• Cerro del Águila.
• Camino de Moguer.
• Coto del Rey.
• Raya Real.
• Rocío-Rocina-Acebrón route.
• Médanos del Asperillo-Beach.
• Playa del Parque Nacional (beach).
• El Rocío route.

Human Resources
Nature interpreters with vast experience.

Optical instruments. Flora and fauna identification guides. Support vehicle. First aid kits.