Doñanatour includes the Columbus Trail (Caravel Wharf and the Monastery of La Rabida) as a complementary service that follows the footsteps of Christopher Columbus in three Andalusian provinces: Huelva, Cordoba and Seville.
The places where Christopher Columbus made preparations for his first journey of exploration.
Locate Huelva province as the point of departure to the New World.
Aimed at:
Description of the service:
The Columbus Trail visit allows you to learn and appreciate its historic and cultural values and its links with Doñana.
You will get to know where a series of events of great transcendence for the discovery of America were staged and enjoy the artistic and gastronomic wealth of the places on the Columbus Trail.
The Monastery of La Rabida, the reproductions of the Caravel ships, the Church of San Jorge, la Fontanilla fountain, the house of the Pinzon brothers, the Town Hall at Moguer, the pedestrian steets, the Monastery of Santa Clara, the house of Juan Ramón Jimenez, “El Lobito” bar and the cake shop at Moguer

In the museum of the Caravel Wharf you can find the replicas of the ships La Niña, La Pinta and La Santa María, that were constructed in 1992 to celebrate the 5th Centenary of the Discovery of America.
Apart from these reconstructions, the museum has a interpretation centre, a mediaeval district (recreated around the wharf) and The Isla de Encuentro (The Meeting Island), where there is a recreation of the indigenous culture of the Island of Guanahani, which was the first island where Columbus landed on the 12th of October 1492, and which they named San Salvador.

Since the beginning of the XIII Century, the franciscan frairs have been present in this corner above the estuary and at the confluence of the Tinto and Odiel rivers, in the municipality of Palos de la Frontera, province of Huelva.
This Franciscan community has been direct witness to one of the most important events in the history of mankind, the discovery of America.
Within the walls of this primitive hermitage, the statue of Our Lady of the Miracles is kept -a beautiful image of the Virgin Mary before which Christopher Columbus prayed moments before setting out on his crusade.

Human Resources
Widely experienced guides.

Bibliography. Picnic (if applicable). Support vehicle.